Chapter 2

One of the children rescued by the heroes was a 2nd time escapee. Originally he had been kidnapped by unknown assailants, along with his entire caravan. Unluckily he managed to be scooped up by Zark and stuffed in a box, ready to be sold to Gods knows who.

Harrowleaf charged Braxus and Moraine to investigate the tower named by the child as the source of his original abductors. Kaddim had a similar destination in mind when asked by his parents to look for Senna, his childhood playmate.

Tristram tagged along for the ride, lured by money and power.

The tower was easy enough to find, yet it had been destroyed (years ago by the looks of it) by some sort of arcane explosion. The elven mage who owned the tower, Numeshay Odeken had a drow student who stupidly opened a portal to a realm of demons and let some of them in…

Numeshay Odeken fighting the demon invasion

In the wreckage of the tower the heroes fought Abattoir Wolves, the so-called devil dogs described by the rescued child.

Descending into the lower levels, undestroyed by the explosion, the party faced Dire Rats, a rat-like demon, a Spitting Drake and a truly disgusting toilet, into which they did not dare enter.

Rat Demon

Rat Demon

Finding and defeating Kaddim’s long-lost friend, who had become a Ghoul Warlock and retrieved her family signet-ring the party started to look on this entire area as an intriguing find. Tristram’s mind started to tick over.

The ultimate challenge came in the form of a dretch whom they destroyed almost instantly in a fit of fury due to the treatment of the young elf.

Missing the red robe and magical orb, but you get the picture

Missing the red robe and magical orb, but you get the picture

The portal still open and the dungeon as yet no fully explored, the heroes made their way back to Loudwater, wiser, stronger and yet still without a solution to the slaver problem.

Chapter 1

5 Strangers, brought together by fate.

And goblins.

Loudwater, a mostly sleepy town of about 2000 inhabitants, held together it seems by the stoic figure of Captain Harrowleaf.

One morning, no different to any other, the southern wall of Loudwater burst open to admit a stream of goblins, led by a disgusting goblin hexer.  They were searching for something…

That something turned out to be a horn, stolen by the enigmatic and annoying mage Curuvar and given to Garwan the dwarf who shelved it along with numerous other oddities he had no hope of selling.

The goblins, soundly defeated by the band of motley heroes, left a trail back to their den.  Charged by honour, curiosity and a touch of greed the adventurers followed the trail and almost came to a swift end.

ogre king

The ruined courtyard that lay at the end of the trail was booby trapped.  Braxus in his haste to smash goblins tripped the trap and barely escaped a nasty fall and a goblin gang kicking by using his barbarian agility to catch hold of the edge of the pit.

Heading down to the Barrow of the Ogre King the heroes defeated numerous goblin warriors, skullcleavers, hexers and eventually the High Shaman Sancossug.  They retrieved the skull of the Ogre King (actually an Oni) and returned it (involuntarily) to Curuvar who joined it with its missing horn.

In minor conflict with Curuvar and Garwan about ownership of the newly formed mace, they took up an offer of work from Garwan’s nephew, Zark.

This turned weird when they uncovered a child smuggling operation ending in Zark’s arrest.